Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lake Powell *2009*

We had to leave for Lake Powell while
Trevan was asleep so he wouldn't be sad
that he didn't get to go...
(new family rule: no kids under 5)

so happy to be finally on our way to Lake Powell!

Goofy faces!

Cute cousins!
(Tabby, Taylee, Ellie, Tanna, Tristyn)

Rainbow bridge & a family picture

Taylee cliff jumping

Taylee and Grammy!

Tanna cliff jumping

Just relaxing!

Tanna and Grammy!

Grammy made a treasure hunt and actually burried
gold (bubblegum) in a gold treasure chest...
she's the best!

This video cracks me up!
the kids loved this and it kept them happy
for hours...they wanted to do this everyday!


Drew and Jenny said...

I'm sooo sad we missed out! I'm glad you guys had a good time and hopefully you made a lot of caramel popcorn. Love ya!

Jessica and Sean said...

I second Jenny's comment. I am kinda sad we didn't go...but it was super fun watching Trevan and Tia. It looks like you guys had a blast.

p.s. Way to go Tanna and Taylee on the cliff jumping!!

Jenn said...

Okay I don't know why but your blog never updates on my list of friends and family. I guess I will have to come check it more often.

Lisa Erskine said...

I love Lake Powell. Looks like a fun trip with no little ones...that's the way to do it so you can enjoy!! We miss you guys...let's do something real soon!

BTW you look just like your mom...super cute! :)