Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lake Powell *2009*

We had to leave for Lake Powell while
Trevan was asleep so he wouldn't be sad
that he didn't get to go...
(new family rule: no kids under 5)

so happy to be finally on our way to Lake Powell!

Goofy faces!

Cute cousins!
(Tabby, Taylee, Ellie, Tanna, Tristyn)

Rainbow bridge & a family picture

Taylee cliff jumping

Taylee and Grammy!

Tanna cliff jumping

Just relaxing!

Tanna and Grammy!

Grammy made a treasure hunt and actually burried
gold (bubblegum) in a gold treasure chest...
she's the best!

This video cracks me up!
the kids loved this and it kept them happy
for hours...they wanted to do this everyday!