Sinterklaus came to our house
and filled our Dutch shoes with all sorts
of yummy treats and chocolates...

Tanna loved this Dutch chocolate coin!

Nope, Trevan isn't excited that Sinterklaus came...
he's just smelling his chocolate!

Taylee loved how this chocolate
coin reflected and shined (in our eyes)

Sinterklaus came to our house
and filled our Dutch shoes with all sorts
of yummy treats and chocolates...

Tanna loved this Dutch chocolate coin!

Nope, Trevan isn't excited that Sinterklaus came...
he's just smelling his chocolate!

Taylee loved how this chocolate
coin reflected and shined (in our eyes)

By the look on our faces (silly Taylee) you can tell we
love chocolate!!...Thanks Sinterklaus!
love chocolate!!...Thanks Sinterklaus!
I love your new family picture!
How fun! I'm so glad to hear that you figured out how to get your music back on! Sorry I wasn't more help!
You are seriously the cutest family! I love the new picture! You look soooo pretty Tineka! We hope that you have a Merry Christmas! We miss you all!!!
I can't beleive it's been so long sice I've seen you. Your family is beautiful! I havn't even seen your baby yet and she's already one. Crazy stuff! Keep in touch
It's not fair that one family could be so beautiful!!! I was so glad to get your card in the mail today and see that you are blogging now :) Will definitely be keeping an eye on you guys!
Hey Tinika!!! I just found your blog... so cute! Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas! And your right, watching Treven get stiches, that was so sad! Poor guy. We have to get the boys together. Check out our blog, abhappilyeverafter(dot)blogspot(dot)com
Love ya! Ashley D
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