Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our Family's First Stitches!
Happy Trevan before the fall in the tubby...

He Hated to be strapped down!
4 stitches...Ouch!

This is so sad!
Trevan is screaming..."Mommy, get me out!"
but we survived and he is totally fine!


Christie said...

That broke my heart! I hope I don't ever have to do that...

Florence Family said...

So Sad!!! it's a miracle that we haven't had any stitches yet!! What a brave little guy.

Audrey said...

So sad, poor little guy!

Drew and Jenny said...

How sad for your cute little man!! I love your cute blog and your sweet Halloween costume! We look forward to seeing you guys soon!

The Five Reids said...

hey girl. i found your blog through audrey. so darling. i'll add you to mine. xoxo marni

Yergensen Family said...

Ohhhhh, poor Trevan! Good job getting pictures though, LOL! Can't wait to see you next week!

Nicole Jaussi said...

Hey Tineka. I found your cute blog! I'll have to add you to ours. So, welcome to the world of little boys. :) My boys have each had stitches twice already. Poor Trevan. I'm glad he's okay.